Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is Sunday, so this week's post is in honor of my mother.
My mom probably remembers me reading her some poems I made up when I was about ten. Quite honestly, they were terrible poems. Ten years hasn't changed much. I'm not a poet, nor do not have much experience writing poems. This poem below is far from professional, but it comes from the heart. So here's a poem for my lovely mom.

From diapers to college, you've watched me grow.
A childhood full of laughter,
Where did the time go?

You've bandaged scrapped knees,
and sympathetically wiped tears.
Being mom isn't always a breeze.

You've driven us thousands of miles,
for dance class, basketball, or friends.
So your day deserves to be full of smiles.

You patiently taught and home schooled me.
For over twelve years we learned together;
home schooling turned out to be a great academy.

I wanted to be just like you.
You were my inspiration.
I wanted to be a school teacher, too.

Two years of college behind me,
With your encouragement,
soon I'll have my teaching degree.

There's so much more to thank you for,
but I've ran out of words.
I hope this hasn't been a bore.

Thank you, that's all I have to say.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your
Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for everything have done and still do for me! I love you!

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