Thursday, May 19, 2016

The Light in a Dim Room

As I sat in a small room looking at a patterned curtain across the room, the small window in the tiny room let in more light. I wondered why light changes things and makes things look different. It seems like a childish question, I know. As the light came in, I could see the pattern more clearly and the colors more vibrantly. In that moment, the basics of Christian life came to mind. The small room represents our world. Our world is very small compared God's extensive universe. We are to let God's light of grace and salvation shine in our world. Our life is short. I watched the light appear through the window, and as the clouds shifted, it soon disappeared. Like the light, we are here for a short time. Let your light shine for God while you are here! Like the light made the curtain clearer, I hope and pray God uses you and me to share and make clear his gospel of salvation through grace. Much like God's gospel, we can not change the pattern on the curtain, but only make it clearer. However, we can't do it by our self. We'll need perseverance and God's help. By no means am I a theologian, but the illustration reminded me of why we are here and encouraged me, so I thought I'd share. We are here to glorify God. So don't hide that light!

"The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear?" Psalms 27:1

Thursday, May 12, 2016

10 Things to Brighten Up Your Desk

I finished finals yesterday, and it feels so good to be done! When in school (and even out of school) it's encouraging to have a clean and cheerful desk to get stuff accomplished. So here's 10 things that'll brighten up a desk!

1. Flowers: I bought some big beautiful flowers from Hobby Lobby. They add a pop of color to my desk and they don't even need to be watered!

2. Erase board: I saw this on the internet somewhere (probably Pinterest). But the cool thing is you can customize it with paper however you like. I find it's great for checklists or reminders.

3. A picture of someone you love: I have an old adorable picture of me and my sister dressed up as Indians for Thanksgiving sitting on my desk.

4. Bible verse holder: When you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, scripture always has it's way of providing peace and comfort.

5. Colorful pens: I bought some pens from here that are really cute! I love the way they write, and the gold encouraging words written on the side are adorable. 

6. Pink pencils: Homework and taking tests aren't as bad if your pencils are bright and colorful!

7. A stapler: Yes, my stapler is pink, too.

8. A place to store all of them. I love this cute little wooden tray that holds my flowers, ball-point pens, sharpies, pencils, stapler, and paperclips!

9. A cheerful planner to keep you organized on on time.

10. And last, but not least, a lamp (taking things literal, here) will brighten up your desk!

Thanks for reading! I hope this gave you some tips on how to brighten up your desk a bit!

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Happy Mother's Day

Mother's Day is Sunday, so this week's post is in honor of my mother.
My mom probably remembers me reading her some poems I made up when I was about ten. Quite honestly, they were terrible poems. Ten years hasn't changed much. I'm not a poet, nor do not have much experience writing poems. This poem below is far from professional, but it comes from the heart. So here's a poem for my lovely mom.

From diapers to college, you've watched me grow.
A childhood full of laughter,
Where did the time go?

You've bandaged scrapped knees,
and sympathetically wiped tears.
Being mom isn't always a breeze.

You've driven us thousands of miles,
for dance class, basketball, or friends.
So your day deserves to be full of smiles.

You patiently taught and home schooled me.
For over twelve years we learned together;
home schooling turned out to be a great academy.

I wanted to be just like you.
You were my inspiration.
I wanted to be a school teacher, too.

Two years of college behind me,
With your encouragement,
soon I'll have my teaching degree.

There's so much more to thank you for,
but I've ran out of words.
I hope this hasn't been a bore.

Thank you, that's all I have to say.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy your
Happy Mother's Day!

Thank you for everything have done and still do for me! I love you!