Sunday, January 11, 2015

Breakfast in a Hurry!

How many of you skip breakfast? I thought so! I skip breakfast most days as well. Here’s a super easy way to eat a yummy breakfast either in a hurry, or on the go! I love it, and best of all, it can be made in 5 easy steps!

1) Grab a mason jar!
2) I started by plopping some blueberries into the bottom of my mason jar, but you can use whatever fruit you choose.
3) Then I scooped some vanilla Greek yogurt in next. 
4) After the yogurt, I added raspberries because those are the best!
5) Add some old fashioned oats to the top!
                                Now place it in the fridge and it’s ready for tomorrow’s breakfast!

Before you start, let me warn you: do not fill the jar up all the way to the top because you will want room to stir the fruit, yogurt, and oats up together. I hope you enjoy it! It is SO delicious and makes life so much easier in the mornings! School starts tomorrow morning. Can you guess what I’ll be having for breakfast?