Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Doubts of a Future Teacher

At some point in life, everyone has doubts. Some days I doubt. I doubt whether I should be studying to become teacher. I doubt that I'll have the energy to get up every morning and teach kids. I doubt that I have the knowledge and wisdom to be a teacher. When moments like these overwhelm me, I step back and look at the lessons I have learned in life.
Everyone is asked the question, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" multiple times in their life. Kindergartners are asked. High school graduates are asked. It's a tough decision. For me, it has always been clear. Ever since I was a little girl, I told people I wanted to be a teacher. As I grew older, it became even more clear. God has given me a passion for teaching little kids. I enjoy getting to know children and their personalities.
Although fun, working with kids can be exhausting and energy draining. If it is God's will for me to teach, he will give me the energy I need. I know this from experience. Let me tell you a story. During my senior year in high school, the role I wanted most in the Nutcracker Ballet was the Sugar Plum Fairy. I was thrilled and surprised to be given the part. However, what concerned me most was the level of stamina it takes to dance Sugar Plum. I wondered if I was really cut-out for the part. I prayed that God would give me the strength and stamina to dance my part well. God gave me the strength I needed, and I made wonderful lifetime memories dancing that coveted part. All that goes to show, that God will provide.
There is so much I don't know about teaching. Some days I doubt that I have the knowledge to explain well. Others, I doubt I have the wisdom to know how do handle difficult or emergency situations. I have learned a lot in my first year of teaching ballet classes, but I know I still have a lot to learn about teaching. I must apply myself and ask God for wisdom.
I believe doubting oneself is not uncommon. Everyone at some point in life experiences it. Sometimes a little bit of doubt can be good. When I doubt my choice to be a teacher, I pray. When I doubt that I will have the energy needed to be a teacher, I am reminded how God provides. When I doubt my abilities and wisdom, I think of ways to improve and gain knowledge. What things in life do you doubt? How do you handle doubt? When in doubt do you turn to God and know that He has a plan for each one of His children?
Thanks for reading the doubts and thoughts of a future teacher.


  1. Hey Caroline! I love this post and it is so relatable, especially when thinking about future plans. Sometimes I will have a pretty good idea of what I think will happen in my life, but other times I doubt those thoughts. This can be really upsetting, but whenever I have those doubts I go to God. He is always there for me to talk to and what is even better, He knows what will happen! I know that God gives us certain passions (like teaching) for a reason and ultimately He will use those for His glory!
    Thanks so much for writing this post! It's nice to know that someone else goes through the same thoughts I do. Your blog posts always make me feel as if I am sitting across the table at a cute tea room sharing stories in person!

    -Callie ♥

    1. Thanks, Callie! So true! The future holds so much uncertainty, but it is a comfort to know that God knows what the future holds. I'm glad to have other future teachers out there who can relate to my posts. Thanks, I thoroughly enjoy reading your posts on your adorable blog, as well!
