Friday, March 27, 2015

A Ragged Old Treasure

I want to tell you about something that is old, imperfect, flawless, beautiful, unique, and thrifty. It is a blanket; such a beautiful quilt. It was made, I believe, by my great grandmother, which makes it a special quilt. Its many worn holes show its imperfections, and yet that’s what makes it flawless to me. The holes show it’s been loved for many years. It has probably seen rough years and that adds character. Despite the few holes, which I have learned to love, it is really a gorgeous quilt. At first glance, it is very colorful. So many beautiful patterns dance all over the quilt! This is what makes it so unique. There are so many patterned fabrics that normally I would not have thought to put together. This is probably because the fabric squares of the quilt were once fashionable clothes before they were worn out and made into a quilt. There is even a square from the skirt my Mimi wore in the fourth grade, which makes the quilt all the more special. This beautiful quilt, in some ways, reminds me of individual people. Individuals are all unique and beautiful in their own ways despite their flaws. God has created us in unique and intricate ways that I know we would have never thought about if it had been up to us. Thank God for making you the beautiful and unique person you are today! 

1 comment:

  1. I love how God "sews" different things into our lives to make us into something beautiful like a quilt! I am so thankful for each thing that makes me unique and especially His :)
