You will need:
1 cup baking soda
1/2 cup corn starch
1/2 cup of lavender scented Epsom salt
4 tablespoons of cream of tartar
4 tablespoons of coconut oil
1 tablespoon of water
Food coloring
1. Mix your dry ingredients (baking soda, corn starch, Epsom salt, and cream of tartar).
2. Mix your wet ingredients (coconut oil, water, and food coloring). I'd suggest using one color of food coloring. I put a drop of red and blue in mine hoping it'd turn purple, but I just ending up with a bath bomb that had specks of red/pink and blue in it.
3. Very slowly pour a little bit of the wet mixture into your dry mixture and stir. Continue to do this until all of the wet mixture has been mixed into the dry ingredients.
4. Use a mold (I used a muffin tin) and pack your bath bomb mixture into it. At first I used a spoon to pat it down, but later I found it works better to actually use your fingers. I usually did about two heaping teaspoons into the muffin tin and then squished it down as hard as I could. It's key to get it as compact as possible.
5. Once all of the molds in the muffin tin are full, flip the muffin tin over onto a cookie sheet. Gently tap the bottom of each mold to make sure the bath bomb comes out onto the cookie sheet. Continue until you've used all of your mixture. It should make about 8 bath bombs.
6. Let dry overnight. Once dry, be very careful. These are super fragile and crumble easily. That's the one flaw about this recipe and I'm not sure how to fix it. I've had about 3 crumble or break. Actually, one of them broke because my sister got home after I had just made them (they were drying) and she thought they were cookies. So she poked one to see if she could get some frosting on her finger to see what they tasted like. I honestly don't think they look like cookies at all (my sister's crazy).
7. Last of all, you can package them up to make an adorable gift for a friend. Again, it's kind of a bummer they're so fragile because they could easily break in the bag when transporting them. I honestly would be tempted to just give a friend a bag that said "magical fairy dust for your bath" because by the time they get their gift home it'll be crumbled to dust.
In the end, I realized making bath bombs isn't as easy as it sounds. Maybe with a different mold or a lot of practice, they are easier to make. At first, they weren't sticking together and they kept crumbling, but with a little experimenting, I finally got them to cooperate. I'd challenge you to try and make them at least once, but I won't blame you if after making them you just go to the store to buy them.