We live in a fast paced world. We have fast transportation like cars, planes, subways, and even Uber. I can get a meal to go in less than five minuets. Everyone seems to be in a hurry to get where they are going. Our world is constantly going, constantly staying busy.
In your busy world, how often do you stop and pray? If you are anything like me, you probably pray quite often. However, many of them are sent up hastily and frantically. So often I talk to my Father in heaven only when I need something like success, healing, forgiveness, love. Those are wonderful things, but how often to I pray to God just to praise his name and thank Him for all he has done for me? How often do I set a large chunk of time aside to talk with God? Not as often I as wish.

Don't misunderstand me, there is nothing wrong with sending up quick prayers to heaven. If fact, I think it's wonderful. It's pretty extraordinary that we can talk to the Creator of our world anytime and anywhere! However, let me tell you a story. During two days of spring break, I went to Lincoln Village with RUF. It was a fun time! On our last day helping at Lincoln Village, we were directed to go pray for their organization in a room that held pictures of some of the kids from the school for about 30 minuets. At first, it was inspiring, but soon I started to feel tired. I could feel myself starting to want to drift to sleep. I felt like the disciples who fell asleep when Jesus was praying. I had a hard time concentrating for only thirty minutes, and it was then I realized that I too often approach God hastily and when in want.
Habits are hard to form, and time seems to be limited. Priorities get mixed up, and our world is in an impatient hurry. If you've gotten mixed up in the rush, slow down and take time to pray. I find it brings peace and helps sort through thoughts. Maybe you can't identify with me. Maybe you reverently pray every morning or evening, and that's wonderful! I look up to people who have that discipline. God's still at work in my life; I'm still learning and growing, and I'm comforted by that.